Black Quartz - 20 ML - Purpose and Manifestation
Regular price
Life Examples:
unhappy with work - no courage to change
Subtle Bodies:
etheric - mental
If taken undiluted under the tongue (3 times daily - 5 drops)
Psychological Benefits:
courage - excitement - good will - harmony - ideals - memory - negotiation skills - patience - receptivity - self-awareness
Psychospiritual Benefits:
to earth's energy - express spirituality - faith - higher self attunement - inner peace - mental calmness - mind/soul link - planetary purpose - prophecy - spiritual courage - spiritual goals - spiritual yin/yang balance - visions
Negative Aspects Active:
anguish - despair - difficulty in expressing yourself and standing up for yourself - difficulty being independent - disorientation - feeling smothered or overprotected - inability to say no - nightmares - tired - uncentredness
Energetic Colour Imprint and Amplification Benefits:
creates a restful emptiness - enhances creativity - enthusiasm - opens the doors to mystery - prepares for the unknown - optimism - promotes protection - vitality
If taken in 30 ml of water (3 times daily - 7 drops)
Negative Aspects Active:
anger - bitterness - grief - hate - judgement - unworthiness
Spinal Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to T1 to T7, to eliminate CHI blockages in the vertebrae
Chakra Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to the heart chakra to enhance the flow of CHI
Bath Infusion (7 drops)
Add above dosage to the bathwater to balance the heart