Communication - 20 ML
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This combination remedy helps to open the throat chakra to create a free flow of speech. Whether you need the courage to 'speak' out about something, or you are having trouble communicating or speaking in public, this combination is perfect. This special blend of Liquid Minerals promotes feelings of peace, tranquillity, clarity, courage and inspiration and in it you will find all the necessary tools to support verbal self-expression
Life Examples:
public speaking - communication issues - blushing
If taken undiluted under the tongue (4 times daily - 4 drops)
Psychological Benefits:
brings equilibrium - brings suppressed feelings to the surface - courage - eases confusion - encourages going with the flow - enhances expressive ability - enhances creative thinking and talking - increases self-confidence - mental discipline - opens the flow of communication - self-actualisation
Psychospiritual Benefits:
cosmic awareness - helps to focus on your higher potential - higher self attunement - body, mind and spirit balance - spiritual courage and understanding - spiritual discipline
Negative Aspects Active:
difficulties communicating with partner, family member, close friend or co-worker - difficulty with self-expression - disregarding your dreams and desires - disorientation - over analytical - over critical - unnatural fear
Energetic Colour Imprint and Amplification Benefits:
action and confidence to go after your dreams - broadens perspective to support learning new information - builds confidence - clears mental complexes - connects to feelings and intuition - improves communication - opens flow of communication - protects from anxieties and fears - provides needed clarity - provides a sense of connection to your inner mastery
Spinal Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to C1 to C7, to eliminate CHI blockages in the vertebrae