Royal Azel - 20 ML - Success and Understanding
Regular price
Life Examples:
good for practitioners, inventors, artists or people who work creatively - if you are working on a project and feel that something is blocking you - if you want to put your ideas into successful action
Subtle Bodies:
etheric - spiritual
If taken undiluted under the tongue (2 times daily - 8 drops)
Psychological Benefits:
alleviates sorrow and grief - encourages loving communication - helps with learning difficulties - mental balance - relieves stress - understanding
Psychospiritual Benefits:
aiding forgiveness - brings spiritual fulfilment - helps to 'ground' the soul - raised consciousness - visions
Negative Aspects Active:
bored - confused - despair - disinterested - feel conflicted or confused - feeling out of control - flat - negative thoughts - sleepy - worries
Energetic Colour Imprint and Amplification Benefits:
activates intuition - assists to regain freedom from issues that have affected you in the past - can balance energy and reprogram cells - calms over activity - energises emotions - increases imagination - increases psychic awareness - opens creativity - re-balances life - removes obstacles
If taken in 30 ml of water (2 times daily - 9 drops)
Negative Aspects Active:
blame - experiencing internal and external conflict - fear - negativity - strain - stress
Spinal Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to C1 to C4, to eliminate CHI blockages in the vertebrae
Chakra Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to the crown chakra to enhance the flow of CHI
Bath Infusion (5 drops)
Add above dosage to the bathwater to balance the crown chakra