Sapphire Blue - 20 ML - Responsibility and Leadership
Regular price
Life Examples:
when having to make extreme decisions
crown - heart - sacral - third eye throat
Subtle Bodies:
astral - emotional
If taken undiluted under the tongue (4 times daily - 4 drops)
Psychological Benefits:
aids self-discipline - creates mental balance - helps with decision making - improves expressive abilities - stabilises emotions - strengthens during a time of transformation
Psychospiritual Benefits:
astral projection - channelling - clairvoyance - devotion - kundalini - raised consciousness - spiritual balance - spiritual goals - spiritualises intellect - supports dreams and visions
Negative Aspects Active:
ancient sadness - anxiety - blame - despair - focusing on the negative aspects of life - holding on to destructive beliefs and memories from the past - hyperactivity - limited short term memory - living with guilt, regret and resentment - stress
Energetic Colour Imprint and Amplification Benefits:
achievement - broadens your perspective in learning new information - calms and relaxes - courage - enhances creativity - enthusiasm - helps to heal personal issues - opens flow of communication - optimism - solitude and peace
If taken in 30 ml of water (4 times daily - 4 drops)
Negative Aspects Active:
blame - experiencing unresolved anger - fear - guilt - indecision - jealousy - self-sabotage - victim-hood
Spinal Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to T1 to L5, to eliminate CHI blockages in the vertebrae
Chakra Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to the heart chakra to enhance the flow of CHI
Bath Infusion (5 drops)
Add above dosage to the bathwater to align the crown, heart, sacral, third eye and throat chakras