Uvarovite - 20 ML - Comfort and Self-Realisation
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Life Examples:
if you are feeling exhausted from life - if take on too much responsibility - if you believe everything is on your shoulders - brilliant for single parents
heart - solar plexus
Subtle Bodies:
astral - emotional - etheric - mental
If taken undiluted under the tongue (2 times daily - 8 drops)
Psychological Aspects:
acceptance of life - courage - helps to integrate with society - imagination - inner strength - inner perception - negotiation skills
Psychospiritual Aspects:
connects body, mind and spirit - creative visualisation - enhances spiritual expression - higher self attunement - perceiving higher levels
Negative Aspects Active:
antisocial - carrying ancestral fear - experiencing tension - false hopes - difficulty communicating with people - disregarding your dreams and desires - unhappiness - suppressing creativity - rejection
Energetic Colour Imprint and Amplification Benefits:
brings balance - brings harmony into situations - calms the body - freedom to pursue new ideas - helps to overcome fear - supports change and growth - protects from fears and anxieties
If taken in 30 ml of water (2 times daily - 8 drops)
Negative Aspects Active:
feeling vulnerable - rejected - unloved - unsupported - scared
Spinal Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to T1 to L3, to eliminate CHI blockages in the vertebrae
Chakra Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to the solar plexus to enhance the flow of CHI
Bath Infusion (7 drops)
Add above dosage to the bathwater to align the heart and solar plexus chakras