Watermelon Tourmaline - 20 ML - Self-Value and Wholeness
Regular price
Life Examples:
body image problems - feeling unworthy - getting constantly judged by others
heart - solar plexus
Subtle Bodies:
If taken undiluted under the tongue (4 times daily - 6 drops)
Psychological Aspects:
better relationships - decision making enhances dreams - flexibility - imagination - integrate with society - happiness - joy - mental balance - self-actualisation - self-confidence - self-esteem
Psychospiritual Aspects:
cosmic awareness - calms emotions - higher self attunement - inner peace - raises sexual energy - spiritual courage - supports spiritual growth
Negative Aspects Active:
believe that you are undeserving - difficulty communicating with a partner, family member or friend - feeling uninspired, flat, heavy-hearted - grudges - lack of self-esteem - rejection - shame - shyness - suppressing your creativity - unhappiness
Energetic Colour Imprint and Amplification Benefits:
brings harmony into situations - brings self-acceptance - courage - enthusiasm - helps to bond in relationships - learn to give and receive - restorative - releases worries - soothing - spontaneity - tranquillity - vitality
If taken in 30 ml of water (4 times daily - 6 drops)
Negative Aspects Active:
blame - despair - fear - constant internal and external conflict
Spinal Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to T1 to T5, to eliminate CHI blockages in the vertebrae
Chakra Application (2 times daily - 3 drops)
Apply directly to the heart and solar plexus chakras to enhance the flow of CHI
Bath Infusion (5 drops)
Add above dosage to the bathwater to align the heart and solar plexus chakras