Revival Mist
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Refresh • Rejuvenate • Restore •
Perfect when used after Reset Mist, this wonderful mist refreshes, rejuvenates and restores the space or self, bringing in all that is positive.
Hand crafted, this mist contains the energetic imprint of crystals, therapeutic grade essential oils and flower essences and is then blessed, empowered with Reiki energy, and the healing vibration of the heart chakra singing bowl is absorbed and then an individual energetic vibrational magic weave binds it all together.
Salt is a powerful clearer of negativity.
Clear Quartz cleansing and amplifying.
Essential Oils:
Lavender for disinfecting, purifying and promoting relaxation.
Geranium is a powerful protectant that keeps negative energies away.
Hyssop has a long history with purifying and cleansing. Traditionally it was used to cleanse “evil spirits” from sacred and personal spaces.
White Angelica is a calming and soothing blend that encourages feelings of protection and security. It can also be used to guard against negative energy.
Peppermint is a powerful oil that clears tension and negative vibes.
Sandalwood encourages feelings of wellbeing.
Basil has been held sacred all over most of the world. Known well for its protection when in crowds.
Bergamot brings peace and joy to the soul. It amplifies energy, joy and light.
Cypress for breaking up super stagnant energy and creating ‘flow’.
Lemon for bringing an energetic brightness to the space.
Flower Essences:
Red Lily helps top be grounded and living in the present and be focused.
Angelsword protects from outside influences.
Fringed Violet maintains psychic protection and repairs damage to the aura.