Reset Mist
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Clear • Cleanse • Purify •
Your energetic space cleaner! Clearing, cleansing and purifying yourself and the space around you giving it a total reset.
Hand crafted, this mist contains the energetic imprint of crystals, therapeutic grade essential oils and flower essences and is then blessed, empowered with Reiki energy, and the healing vibration of the heart chakra singing bowl is absorbed and then an individual energetic vibrational magic weave binds it all together.
Salt is a powerful clearer of negativity.
Florida water has been used for centuries as a cleanser especially before ceremonies.
Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone known for protection and released and clears negative energy on all levels.
Essential Oils:
Frankincense is known for purification as well as exorcism and will remove negative influences.
Lavender clears out energy that will not leave a space and is traditionally used to neutralise bad frequencies during rituals.
Palo Santo is a holy wood and helps clear out ‘bad energy’.
Myrrh purifies the environment.
Sage neutralises existing negativity and makes a psychic shield against tensions.
Patchouli is very grounding and is known as the oil of peace.
Rosemary for protecting and detoxifying and also used as a binder.
Eucalyptus Blue is great for clearing out residual energy.
Flower Essences:
Walnut the spell breaker. Helps to break our links with the past so we can move forward. Helps with energetic cobwebs.
Lichen releases earth bound energies.
Boab personal freedom by releasing family patterns & clearing of other, non family, negative Karmic connections.